Monday 4 August 2008

This Writing Life: Random Stuff & Happenings...

I just got back from a family get together at the slightly touristy North Shore of Nova Scotia, and a few things caught my attention.

1. There we held celebrations for the birthdays of two of my nieces, and one of them got a present that I considered a tad creepy.

It was a little stuffed toy called Iggle Piggle, and it danced and played games when the child pressed a button.

But there was something about those cold, cadaverous eyes that told me that this supposedly cuddly creature was pure, unadulterated evil and that it once stalked Roddy McDowall in an old episode of Night Gallery. Here's the proof!

2. At the North Shore there's a little village called Denmark which has really one site worth visiting, it's called The Pork Shop and this small business is a salute to all the wonderful products derived from our muddy friend in the farm, the pig. I stocked up on the various sausages they sell at this place for the rest of my summer barbecuing, but they were sold out of their "Currywurst" which just struck me as something I just had to try.

But that's another story. What struck me in this store is that they've begun to cash in on the store's popularity with Pork Shop merchandise. Now the selling of T-shirts didn't strike me as odd, what struck me as odd was that they sold it in Small.

Does anyone willing to wear a shirt that tells people where they buy their pork, and pork related products, honestly need a size small t-shirt.

I'm pretty sure that at least 2x large is the minimum size they need. Sure I know a first timer might come in and aske for a small, but they'd just say: "Buy the 2x, trust me, it'll work out in the end."

3. In writing news, I got word that a book I contributed a short story to a few years ago might have a publisher. I will let you know the who, what, when, where, and why when I get the details. As Drudge would say: Developing....

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