Friday 3 April 2009

Friday Fiction Feature...

... is on temporary hiatus, I have the beginnings of a cold, and a bit too much on my proverbial plate to keep up with this week's installment. I hope to have part four up next Friday, if possible.

So until then, re-read the first three installments, and revel in all my little blunders.

And on
another note, a while ago, I participated in a project where 11 authors from all over the world each contributed a chapter in a big sprawling apocalyptic fantasy epic called Sha'Daa: Tales of the Apocalypse.

The idea was that each writer was each given a basic premise for their chapter, some background information, a title for their chapter, and told to go nuts. And we did, and the project has been picked up by a small-press publisher.

The first book in the 2-book project (the one containing my story) will be coming out May 1 and will be available via Amazon or through the
publisher. I will let you know how to get the book and post the appropriate links as soon as I get them.

And here's a look at the cover....

Hopefully I'll shake this stuffy-headed feeling quickly, and might be able to get something business related up later.


  1. Hey Furious D,

    While I'm not glad you were feeling under the weather, I'm a little glad you've held up on your Tooth and Claw story. I thought I was falling way behind, as I haven't had time to read even the blog. Just caught up. Congratulations on the book. Next minute I get I'll order a copy. Hope you're feeling better.


    P.S. I hope your Smiler (Was he the Smiler? It's been a few weeks since I've read Part 3.) is a Joker copy for a good reason.

  2. Since I write these blog stories literally on the spot, with no plan, outline, or clue as to what happens next, I don't know if I have a good reason for Smiler to be Smiler.

    One might still pop up, because even I don't know where this story is going.
