Friday 3 September 2010

Hollywood Babble On & On #588: Frying On A Friday

Welcome to the show folks...

It's still hot, the weather reporters are predicting doomsday tomorrow with Hurricane Earl. But I'll hunker down and deliver some little bits of the ranting and raving that you crave like the salivating dogs that you are.


Just days after the head of the BBC called on British pay-TV giant Sky to put more into developing British programming, Sky has announced that they're going to invest more into British programming. To be specific they're going to start producing films of "sufficient scale" for broadcast on their network, and no doubt leaving options open for possible theatrical releases or foreign sales.

Now I'm pretty sure that Mr. BBC honcho is thinking that he's the big winner in this and has made a big stand for British production.

I think he should be careful what he wishes for.

Why? Two reasons:

1. The Murdochs who own and run News Corp. which owns Sky don't do anything where there isn't a chance they'll make a return on their investment. They're not above taking risks, but they take extremely and carefully calculated risks. Has BBC Director General/Sky Critic Mark Thompson really thought this through? What if these movies are really successful? What if they cause subscription rates to Sky Network to Sky-rocket? That means fewer eyes on BBC TV. Oops?

2. The Sky People, as I like to call them, are looking to make movies that are big, bold, and dramatic to attract subscribers. Such projects are going to suck up a lot of Britain's film-making resources. Actors, crews, studio space, going to work for Sky in large numbers. If they succeed, and more get made, then Thompson will start complaining that their omnipresence is making it harder and more expensive for the BBC to get anything done.

Unless these movies completely tank, the Murdochs can put another check in the win column, and Thompson's going to think it was his idea.


The former TV news producer who tried to blackmail talk show host David Letterman over his sexual peccadilloes with employees is out of jail.

I'm sure he already has his book written and is ready to hit the talk show circuit.


I have a question?

When is this goddamn takeover of Miramax supposed to end?

Just recently James Robinson of Morgan Creek Productions dropped out of the group of investors buying the moribund Miramax. This led to all sorts of rumors that the deal was through, and that it was all going to start all over again, and now Ron Tutor, the head of the group, says that the deal is still on.

That's nice and all, but shouldn't it be done already?

It just goes to show how needlessly complicated business in Hollywood has become. All the paperwork should have been done ages ago, but they're still diddling over Xenu knows what. I'm expecting some people to die of old age before this thing is done, or a single frame of film is shot in the name of the new Miramax.

I called Disney for a comment, and this was their only response:

Thanks a lot Disney.

I think the only people who are going to make money off of Miramax will be the lawyers.

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