It's Halloween, and I'm really busy today, so instead of my usual droppings of knowledge I'm going to let all of you dip into the snake-pit of my wisdom.
That's right. I'm looking for pop-culture and business questions for me to either answer, or pretend to answer in a pompous, know-it-all way.
Leave your questions in the comments….
Mr. Furious,
ReplyDeleteCould you be a futurist for a moment? What do you imagine to be the future of storytelling mediums.
In the 19th century there were basically two: plays and the printed word. We've added tv and film to that. And finally, the internet.
Do you see anything like a crossover or combination between ebooks and film/tv ? What else might happen?
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of candy did the Furious lair hand out? Second, any news on the next Hobbit abomination? Not that I am passing judgement on the cynical, repetative, money grubbing Jackson. I might never get the chance to exploit anything, but if I do I'll think of him.
How about your guess on torture porn like 'Saw'? Going to go away like 3D or will it just get worse? What is the future of horror and sci fi on tv? Cable, regular networks, more crappy ScyFy movies anything like Battlestar Galactica on the horizon?
Rainforest Giant
Disney literally releasing only Marvel, Pixar, and Star Wars movies: will it happen?
ReplyDeleteHow, if at all, is the Netflix model going to disrupt the massive bundling of channels that is at the core of cable/telco(FiOS/UVerse) profitability? They have been fighting a la carte choice for cable consumers in DC's regulatory swamps for decades, and along has come an OTT technology that delivers much of what consumers say they want. Tehcnically cable can fight back with technical means, which net neutrality would seem to forbid, or through refusal to license content to the new entrants, which would seem to be anticompetitive (though if the FTC can give Google a clean pass for its style of bundling and leverage of its monopoly power, I don't see that happening).
ReplyDeleteWhere do you see that headed? The question is important over the long term for production, because these huge comsumer cable bills and bundles call into being entire channels, entire new shows, content, dstriobution and franchisign fees, that noboy really watches or will ever watch. In that sense it's a FDR-style makework jobs program for production comapnies, execs, crews, talent, etc. If the bundle were ever to be seriously undercut it could have much wider reprecussions.
ReplyDeleteTo maurice
ReplyDeleteIntel is developing a similar technology..cable a la carte. Intel certainly has the money to puch this thing forward.